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  1. The material featured on the Hsin Chu Armed Force Hospital website, including text, photograph, image, audio, video and other material, is subject to protection of the Copyright Act unless otherwise indicated. Copyright protected material is eligible for personal use if clearly cited. No part (or any portion thereof) of the website may be reproduced without express permission from the Hsin Chu Armed Force Hospital.
  2. Material authored by the Hsin Chu Armed Force Hospital and published on this website may be reproduced, publicly broadcast and transmitted in the context of fair use, on the conditions that the source of the material must be identified and the copyright status acknowledged. Please refer to Article 65 of the Copyright Act for conditions of fair use.
  3. The permission to reproduce copyright protected material does not extend to any material on this site that is identified as being the copyright of a third party. Authorization to reproduce such material must be obtained from the copyright holder concerned.
  4. In accordance with Article 80bis of the Copyright Act, electronic rights management information on this site shall not be removed or altered, provided that such removal or alteration is unavoidable for the lawful exploitation of this work due to technical limitation at the time of act, or that it is technically necessary to conversion of a recording or transmission system.


Linking to the Hsin Chu Armed Force Hospital Website

The Hsin Chu Armed Force Hospital welcomes and encourages other websites to link to the information hosted on this site. You do not have to ask permission to link if such link is clearly cited. Any link to our site in a misleading context is strictly prohibited.

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